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Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Have You Considered The Impact Thumb Placement Can Have On Guitar Technique?

 Have you ever felt that your hand positioning was somehow holding you back?

It could be that the thumb placement in and around the first position is being crowded out by too much wood.  For the sake of calling it something I like to refer to this problem area as the "Thumb Crest" area. Some necks have too much wood here.  The photos here show just how intrusive the thumb crest area can be on a neck with that problem. In the photo you'll see I have moved it back about 3/4" to give the hand more space in the first position. The area is less crowded, accessed easier, your thumb is free, and now there is more room on the neck to play. Any way to make playing easier is always good.

image result for a Haywire Custom Shop neck shave

image result for a Haywire Custom Guitars neck shave
Moving the Thumb Crest back about 3/4" on the neck is more comfortable.
The Haywire Custom Shop Thumb Crest Reduction process makes playing guitar easier.
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