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Saturday, November 4, 2017

Why doesn't the tone control work for the bridge-only pickup on my Stratocaster?

It works on a few, approximately 1% of Stratocaster guitars whether made by Fender or by Squier, or Affinity, Fender Japan, Fender Taiwan, Fender Mexico, American (circa 1991) or Fender China and more have no tone control on the bridge pickup. The tone controls do work for the other four switch positions.

No, just a design that was only meant to please the inventor, Mr. Leo Fender.

Leo wanted a pickup position that sounded similar to a steel guitar. So now, the bridge pickup selection has no tone control wired to it whatsoever and no one at Fender Corp. since then has seemed to notice. They have failed to hear what guitarists for years have asked. Can we simply have a tone control on our bridge pickup?

Next time your guitar goes in the shop for any "tweak" whatsoever, ask the tech to put the tone back on the bridge for you. Most likely he'll do it. It's an easy fix. Stop in and see Haywire Custom Shop when you're in Myrtle Beach and we'll fix yours while you wait. 15 minutes and it's done.