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Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Featherlight Swamp Ash Natural Body Guitars For Women

Featherlight Swamp Ash Natural Body Guitars From The Haywire Custom Guitars Custom Shop

Let's address guitars for women.....

Featherlight guitars for women from Haywire Custom shop are much easier to hold and play. At Haywire Custom Guitars we take the classic look of the double and single cutaway guitar and lighten it.  We drop the weight by up to 30 percent.  As a result, each of our lightweight guitars are six pounds or less. Can you handle it? Many of our Custom Shop featherlight guitars are specifically designed for female players. Women need and want lightweight guitars. Why does no one address their playing needs?

well-crafted instrument with design and electronic features and lighter materials

If you are under the assumption that a heavy guitar will sound better than a lighter one, you would be mistaken. Because a guitar lacks weight and heft, it doesn't have to lack tone. Is it possible to find some light woods which provide some great sounding guitars? Can you find a well-crafted instrument with design and electronic features and lighter materials that rival much expensive guitars made from quality materials at a reasonable price?
image Feather light body Guitars For Women from Haywire Custom Guitars image Feather light body Guitars For Women from Haywire Custom Guitars image Feather light body Guitars For Women from Haywire Custom Guitarsimage Feather light body from Haywire Custom Guitars Feather light body from Haywire Custom Guitars

image Feather light body from Haywire Custom Guitars image Feather light body from Haywire Custom Guitars Buy Now Haywire Custom Guitars-Featherlight + 7 Sound Switching

You'd like a guitar to be beautiful, of course.

Where can you get a light weight guitar that is a dream to hold and play … for long periods of time. Do you play long gigs? Is your guitar heavy?  Would you like to stop taking your shoulder pain medication? These are just some of the question that finally have been addressed in our custom shop. For the last 10 years we have been focused and able to assist female musicians in the quest for a lighter guitar. You'd like a guitar that is beautiful, of course, right ladies?

Please remember our female players

Guitars for women need to be very easy, light weight and enjoyable to play. Also, it needs to hold the tuning really well. Because, if you are looking for something to play a variety of different styles without issues maybe you need to look here. Great tones, good looks for someone with back and neck issues or for younger and older players with smaller body frames, the lightness is definitely a huge plus. Have I mentioned women here at all? Yes, let's not forget the ladies. Please remember our female players are smaller and lighter than male counterparts. They especially need something light to play.