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Thursday, December 26, 2019

Guitar Neck shaving in the Haywire Custom Guitars-Custom Shop

Sometimes adding a new neck can be the better, faster, safer but not necessarily a cheaper option. A guitar neck shave?

We wouldn’t recommend doing it yourself, however if you have a neck that is too large for your hands, clumsy and uncomfortable for you then……….a guitar neck shave may be a better option for YOU.  It’s not a “one size fits all” world but most manufacturers only aim for the “average” players hands-not yours. Jimmy Page had the neck shaved on his 1960 Les Paul.  Jimmy’s Les Paul was shaved to a slim taper.  Sure the nut width may be different on some guitar models from either 1-5/8 to  1-11/16 on electric guitars. Acoustic guitars will sometimes have a wider nut width on the upper wider end such as 1-11/16 to 1-3/4 then to 1-7/8 inches on some models. The necks are generally the same.

What are your guitar playing needs?

Let’s get back to YOU and your hands. If changing the nut width doesn’t do it for you then consider a guitar neck shave. In the realm of professionals it’s and easy job done regularly. We do it every day here in the Haywire Custom Shop. With the high cost of replacement necks in the neighborhood of around $250 ( for a used one) to $500 for a new one maybe the one you have just needs a tweak?  What do you think? It’s certainly worth a try especially if your not doing it.

Your neck is then shaved to the specs desired

The cost of a neck shave is very inexpensive compared to a new neck purchase. Consider the benefits. First, you can ship your guitar or just the neck to us, it will arrive in a day or two. We will work on it the day it arrives. The neck will be shaved to whatever specs you request. We always take measurements at the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th 9th and 12th frets upon arrival. Your neck is then shaved to the specs desired. We’ll check the neck for any problems such as twisting and over or under bow as well as fret dressing on the ends if required.

We always take measurements

After the neck is smoothed to a soft feel we add a great Satin finish to help preserve the wood for you at no extra charge. So, with the low cost of $135 vs. a new neck it’s worth going for a guitar neck shave. The turn-around time is 2 days then back home to you.

We offer: Guitar Neck Replacement, Fret leveling, Nut filing
Custom Guitar Neck Contours, Custom guitar neck shaping, thinning, shaving and profiling

By Rick Mariner| February 9th, 2019|a guitar neck shave, Had your guitar neck shaved?|

About the Author: Rick Mariner

Mr. Rick Mariner Owner and Founder and CEO of Haywire Custom Guitars Inc. He holds a bachelors degree from University of Md.and a Masters degree from George Washington University. Rick developed his exclusive 8 – Point “Gig- Ready” guitar process that allows for Custom Guitars that are “GIG-READY”. With Rick’s many years of development and guitar set-up experience, Haywire Guitar shop “Builds satisfied players… one Haywire guitar at a time”.

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