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Sunday, January 10, 2021

Replace Your Whole Guitar Neck ?

In some cases where it is not reasonable to replace your whole guitar neck it could be that a partial or a full re-fret of the entire neck is necessary. If this is the case or if it is what you prefer, then our Haywire Custom Shop re-fret option is available for just $10 per fret. You can decide or ask for our recommendation to determine if this option is required on your guitar neck.

Fret size has a great deal to do with the action of your guitar. Low frets put your fingertips right on the fingerboard with little room to squeeze the strings out of tune or to get under them for bending. Tall frets are the opposite. The width of the fret determines the amount of wear that can be expected before leveling and re-crowning is necessary. Wider frets wear longer. Narrow frets wear faster. Choosing a fret size is best done by experience. Send us your guitar neck or entire guitar so we can get it back in good shape for you:

Rick Mariner
Haywire Custom Guitars Inc.
Haywire Custom Shop
2007 Lees Landing Circle
Conway, SC 29526