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Sunday, January 10, 2021

What Kind Of Guitar Neck Is It Time For?

Ever ask yourself: What Kind Of Guitar Neck Is It Time For?

A “Custom Guitar Neck”? Why? Because, It's all about-YOU!
What Are Custom Guitar Necks?
Easy answer! They are simply guitar necks that suit the user only-YOU. Every guitar player has different hands. There are as many hand sizes as guitar players. If you’re a player, why should you settle for the necks out there that come standard equipment on guitars which don’t fit your hands? You don’t need to. This is where a custom guitar neck comes in.

Yes, there is a solution to your uncomfortable guitar neck.
Guitar manufacturers don’t care if you don’t like their necks-they just want to get the guitar out the door. A guitar tech, builder or Luthier has the skills to tailor a guitar neck to fit your hands. That’s what we do. That’s why we have jobs. We can do what manufacturers fail to do in addressing the needs of guitar players like yourself.

We will tailor a guitar neck for your hands
Don’t settle for what the “music store” has to sell you. Do better for yourself. Yes, there is a solution to your uncomfortable guitar neck.