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Sunday, January 24, 2016

Mission Impossible Dream...Guitar Repairs

Sometimes a guitar repair... will walk in the door and we'll look at it and say-"Huh"? "Are you looking for a trash can"?  or  "What happened -never seen anything like that before"? "The landfill is still open if you want to drop that off ".  Then you listen to the story and just want to try and do something to help. This Takamine came in last year looking like this............
image result for Guitar Neck headtock repair at Haywire Custom Guitars

image result for Guitar Neck headtock repair at Haywire Custom Guitars
It was a gift and the guitar player help with guitar repairs was heartbroken.  When something comes in like this- you just have to say "Yes, no problem! I'll take care of it."  Then..... go to work and in a few hours it's done.  

The best part about a guitar repair is that look on the customers face when you get the "Impossible" repair-fixed and they are happy again as a result. I never feel like the job is finished until I know the customer is happy. Then I know it's done. I sure like a finished job!

Ordering From Haywire Custom Guitars

If you would like to order this or any other custom guitar, please contact us and we will be happy to discuss your guitar needs.